jeudi 17 septembre 2009

10 Jack Bauer Fact

jeudi 17 septembre 2009
1)It takes you 24 weeks just to watch what Jack Bauer does in a single day.

2)If Jack Bauer had been a Spartan the movie would have been called "1".Some people see the glass as half full. Others see it as half empty. Jack Bauer see the glass as a deadly weapon.

3)Jack Bauer never retreats, he just attacks in the opposite direction.When bad things happen to good people, its probably fate. When bad things happen to bad people, it’s probably Jack Bauer.

4)Jack Bauer doesn't laugh in the face of danger; Jack Bauer is the face of danger.Jack Bauer quit for just five minutes, and a nuclear bomb went off.

5)Passed out, surrounded by terrorists and nerve gas, and handcuffed to a table leg, Jack Bauer laughed to himself and said, "I have them right where I want them."

6)Professor Charles Xavier from X-Men once tried to read Jack Bauer's mind. Now he's sitting in a wheel chair.

7)Jack Bauers calender goes from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Jack Bauer.

8)Jack Bauer could strangle you with a cordless phone,

9)If it tastes like chicken, looks like chicken, and feels like chicken, but Jack Bauer says its beef. Then it's fucking beef.

10)When Jack Bauer calls for backup, he isn't requesting more men. He's telling you to back the fuck up.

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